Fee Structure -
Fee Policy -
1. Fee should be deposited in cash on or before the due date given in Installment Plan. In case of Cheque - Account payee cheque must be given in name of Guru Harkrishan Public School.
2. No deduction is made in the fee for the absence of children.
3. It is advised to the parents that they should obtain 'No Dues Certificate' from the Accounts Office, before the Final Examination in prescribed format; without which the Admit Card for Examination may not be given to appear in the examination.
4. Bus facility is available. Once opted, it is to be used for the whole session and not for any part thereof. Only those who wish to utilize it for the whole session should take it otherwise no refund will be made.
5. One month's notice is to be given before withdrawing a student.
6. Fee can be deposited in ay one of the two (Options) modes -
(a) Lumpsum full fee 1 time (b) in four equal instalments.
Due dates are -
(With Out Late Fee) (With Late Fee of Rs. 10/- Per Day)
I Instalment 10th April 30th April
II Instalment 10th July 30th July
III Instalment 10th October 30th October
IV Instalment 10th January 30th January
7. Through lumpsum (single payment) it can be deposited once only on or before 10th April.
8. If fee is not paid as per the last date given above, it should be paid with a fine @ Rs. 101- per day, from the last date of the installment, failing to do so, the name of the child may be struck off from the roll and re-admission fee of Rs. 1000/- will be charged, if re-admission is granted by the Principal.
9. Five days grace period is given if payment is made through cheque i.e. cheque will be accepted till 15th of the respective Installment due date. In case the cheque is dishonored, fee has to be deposited in cash, with a fine of Rs. 200/- and Bank charge as charged by the Bank.
10. No deduction is made in transport, mess & school fee for the absence of children.
11. New Academic session begins from March / April every year. If fee is not paid by due date then fine © Rs. 10/- per day will be levied from the due date mentioned above (for next 20 days). After 20 days of due date a fine of Rs. 20 per day will be charged.
12. Transport facility is given for one academic session. Once it is started, it won't be stopped during the session. Note - Fee will be accepted through D.D. or Cash only.