G.H.P.S Family
We aim at GHPS to work as a team. This team includes all staff, teaching & non-teaching, governors and a considerable number of people who help the school. The teachers are highly qualified, trained, efficient, experienced and dedicated who are conversant, with the latest techniques of modern teaching. There is enormous loyalty to the school on the part of this team, a vast amount of experience & a determination to do the best for our children. The result an excellent atmosphere of serious work & enthusiasm. The pre-primary section of the school is ‘looked’ after by specially trained nursery teacher. The school ensures quality control of education at all levels of teaching. Similarity the Primary, Middle, Secondary and Sr. Secondary classes are also taught by trained qualified experienced teachers.

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results..."
Director (Academics)

Mrs. H. K. Makhija
M.A. (Pol. Sc.)

Mr. Rajesh K Sharma
M.A. (History), M.A.
(Public Admin.), M.Ed
V. Principal

Mrs. Reena Duggal
M.A. (English), B.Ed